For years, Batya experienced violent abuse at the hands of her husband. When he started abusing her daughters, she somehow found the courage to escape. But like many other survivors of domestic violence- her trauma was nowhere near over. Her ex was on a mission to hunt her down even after being sent to jail. It wasn’t until she heard about a unique new program that would allow her to receive a guard dog for free- that she saw a way out of her never ending nightmare.
Batya is one of 12 women who have received defense canines through the @michalselaforum . This incredible organization was founded after 32 year old Israeli mother Michal Sela was brutally murdered by her husband in front of their eight month old baby. The forum comes up with unique solutions to prevent deaths like hers in the future- and their dog program is one of the most successful.
So far, amongst the women who have received these dogs, there has been a 70 percent reduction in threats from their ex-partners. Plus, this program is much cheaper than the alternatives that exist right now for the state. These guard dogs cost an average of $361 a month. That’s less than 6% of the cost of a month’s stay at a women’s shelter, and they are a long term solution.
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If you, or anyone you know is dealing with domestic violence, make sure to reach out to the Michal Sela forum for more information. And please share this unique Israeli innovation with the world 🙏