The Michal Sela
Startup Academy
An elite academy for the development of technological ventures to combat domestic violence and femicide, in collaboration with Michal Sela Forum and Google for Startups
The Michal Sela Forum, in collaboration with Google for Startups, invites entrepreneurs to develop technologies to keep women safe by participating in the Michal Sela Startup Academy.
The Academy provides lectures and workshops led by professionals, mentoring and personal accompaniment, a promotional video for each venture, cross-sector collaboration, and more.
Ten entrepreneurs are accepted to the Academy each year. Participation is free, and participants sign a warrant and finder's fee with the Michal Sela Forum.
Academy alumni are invited to join the Michal Sela Rooftop Community to continue receiving support and mentoring.
לפרטים נוספים:
אילה שיף, מנהלת פרויקטים | פורום מיכל סלה | טלפון 052-4346713
Startup Teams
The Michal Sela Forum develops startups to combat violence against women. Our goal is to build a new ecosystem of startups by 2030.
Our startup teams represent the winning ventures who competed in the Michal Sela Safe@Home Hackathon, and who have successfully completed the Michal Sela Startup Academy in cooperation with Google for Startups